As your Holistic Wellness Coach, I want to support you with a program that is right for you.
Choose below from self-guided training, or work with me one one-on-one for personalized support and guidance.

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Therapeutic Yogic Lifestyle Plan

  • A complete, holistic lifestyle plan designed to fit your unique body and mind, based on proven therapeutic yogic practices and ancient ayurvedic self-care routines.

    Informed by Ayurveda’s main wellness practices such as Daily Routine (Dinacharia), Diet (Ahara), Sleep and Rest (Nidra), Kriyas (Dosha purification and toxin elimination practices), and Asana (movement), this plan is also excellent as a complement to a Yoga Therapy program.


    As a BONUS, you will receive all materials from the self-guided Wellness Programs below

What do the Wellness 360™ Coaching programs cover?

I will take you through 5 core steps to create a healthy lifestyle without struggle or overwhelm. Choose among different levels of personal support: one 100% Self-guided (W360 On-the-Go) and two hybrid programs (Jumpstart and Intensive, including 3 and 6 personal coaching sessions respectively, in addition to the independent study materials).

Although I specialize in women’s wellness, these programs are appropriate for ALL GENDERS.

Click on each of the programs above to read more details before adding to your cart. After purchase, you will receive an email with your next steps.

Sessions are available remotely or in person.

  • How to make simple lifestyle changes to jumpstart your health and feel your very best everyday

    In this step, you’ll learn the basics of Wellness 360™ so you can quickly go from where you are now to where you want to be. From breakthrough goal setting to solving common health challenges, you’ll make simple lifestyle changes that will have lasting results. Get ready to start feeling energized and living your very best.

  • How to transform food confusion and information overwhelm into a healthy eating relationship for life

    In this step, you’ll learn the fundamentals of holistic nutrition so that you can finally answer the question “What should I really eat everyday?” You’ll learn to overcome cravings, solve food sensitivities, develop healthy cooking skills, understand supplementation and develop an energized eating plan that works for your lifestyle.

  • How to work with your body rather than against it

    You’ll learn your own body constitution and what works for your unique body type, including fitness and movement techniques that will give you lasting energy rather than deplete you.

  • How to take charge of your life through the power of your mind

    In this step you’ll learn powerful techniques that will help you to sustain all of the new habits you are forming. Your mind is an essential part of your health and you’ll learn how to master your mindset to achieve your goals.

  • How to create balance in all areas of your life without struggle or deprivation

    In this step, you’ll discover the secrets that the healthiest people practice to create a holistic, energetic, fulfilling lifestyle. You’ll learn the keys to creating balance and reducing stress in all areas of your life, including Relationships, Finances, Career and more.